Supporting PNRC NAHRO, is supporting the community. This relationship of give-and-take uplifts everyone and makes life a little better for our membership & their residents. By donating you become a part of something, which is why so many people donate or volunteer if they're able to. Volunteers benefit from interacting with people from different walks of life on a regular basis. People who donate see the fruit of their labor used in a positive manner and spent on a worthy cause. PNRC NAHRO spends money on facilities, systems and programs that benefit many. With your help, PNRC NAHRO is able to aid and support many people. All time, or monetary donations help PNRC NAHRO thrive. When we thrive, affordable housing agencies & residents get the support they need to succeed.
“He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own."
- Confucius