Housing America is a campaign that raises national awareness of the need for and importance of safe, quality, affordable housing through education, advocacy, and empowerment. Housing America celebrates education, advocacy, and empowerment.
Housing America "Month" is a celebration of affordable housing each October where housing and community development agencies in the U.S. host events to highlight their work.
PNRC-NAHRO is known for leading the way. Let’s show the rest of the country all of the great things happening in our region. Please let us know about any activities (big or small) that you are doing that represents our mission of “building communities together”. PNRC’s goal is to have at least one activity to showcase every single day. We know that you are all a bit competitive so we will share your activity with the region in an effort to inspire others to have an activity and share it too.
PNRC-NAHRO encourages all PHAs and community development organizations to host events that showcase the important work that you do. In October, tweet your events and stories about the impact that affordable housing has for Americans across the country to #WHAAT and #HousingAmericaMonth, please include @pnrc_nahro.
PNRC-NAHRO wants to raise awareness of any activity that you and your agencies are doing during the month of October. If you have any Groundbreaking Ceremonies, Property Openings, Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies, Beautification Projects, Resident Activities, Proclamations or other celebrations, please let us know so that we can make sure to acknowledge your efforts on behalf of Housing America. These events will be highlighted regionally and nationally as examples of the amazing work that we do-and how these activities strengthen families and communities.